The main objective of the Council is:
- Conduct examination in a free and fare manner & issue Certificates/Marksheets to passed out students.The council Conducts the following exams for ITI,Diploma & PDIS Courses across the State.
- Diploma – Exam is conducted twice in a year for all six semesters. After completion of odd semesters Winter exam is conducted for 1st,3rd &5th Sem(regular & Back paper) students along with 2nd,4th &6th semester(Back paper) students. Similarly. after completion of even semesters Summer exam is conducted for 2st,4rd &6th Sem(regular & Back paper) students along with 1nd,3th &5th semester(Back paper) students.
- ITI – The following exams are conducted for ITI students.
2.1 – AITT (All India Trade Test) for CTS: It is conducted twice in a year i.e July-August Session for even semesters (Regular) & Odd Semester (ex regular) & during January-February Session for odd Semester (Regular) & Even Semester (ex Regular)
2.2 – AITT for Apprentice : It is conducted twice in a year i.e during April-May & October-November.
2.3 – SCVT Pattern: : It is conducted twice in a year i.e during February & August.
2.4 – COE (BBBT & Advance Module) exam: Conducted twice in a year.
2.5 – Dual System Trainee (yearly pattern): Conducted once in a year.
- PDIS (Post Diploma In Industrial Safety): Conducted during January for odd semesters and July for even semester.
- Preparation of curriculum for Diploma, PDIS & SCVT pattern ITI Course.
- Preparation of study materials/lecture note for Diploma curriculum.
- Training of the Trainers/ Teachers.
- Promoting close interaction with industries and other utility. sectors and keep abreast with state-of-the-art technology.
- Inspection of ITI’s and Polytechnics of the State.
- Ranking of ITI’s & Polytechnics of the State.